
We want to offer you not only great products, but also the best customer service. We are happy to assist you with any questions or individual challenges you might have!

Our main office hours are from Monday to Friday in the morning between 8:00 am and 12:00 pm; during this time we are always available by telephone - in the afternoons we devote ourselves mainly to production. E-mails as well as messages that you leave on our answering machine or send by fax will be answered as quickly as possible.

You are a farrier or do you practice as a veterinarian or equine physiotherpist, for example? In this case we would like to offer you our business conditions.

Customer Service Team

Duplo Composite Horseshoes
H. Frank Kunststofftechnik GmbH
Vorderfreundorfer Straße 20
D-94143 Grainet

Tel.: 08585/96926-0
Fax: 08585/96926-119

Our Customer Service Team

We think it's always nice to have a face to the voice. For this reason we would like to introduce our Customer Service Team personally. Because even though everything is digital and online nowadays, there are situations in which it is simply necessary and important to have a direct contact person. Should you have any questions about your order or about our products, our team will be happy to assist you.

Maria from our Customer Service Team


"I particularly like the teamwork, the appreciation and the fact that everyone is perceived as an individual with their own wishes and needs. "

Julia from our Customer Service Team


"I particularly like the versatility of my job. Teamwork is very important to me, which I appreciate very much. In addition, I can also combine my hobby and work."

Steffi from our Customer Service Team


"I particularly like the fact that I can combine my job and hobby, as well as the recognition and appreciation of my work. The team spirit and the very good working atmosphere."

Photo guidelines and complaint sheet - alternative hoof protection

Reviews and Feedback ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

You are happy with us?

In this case we would be happy if you could leave us a product review. Of course we would also be pleased if leave us a 5-star rating on Google.
PS: 4 star reviews are valued as negative reviews by Google.

You are unhappy with us?

Then please do not hesitate to tell us directly - we want to get better and be at your side even if there are problems.

Please provide us with all the information we need to process your complaint, and also also observe our photo guidelines.
Please send your complaints to:
Thank you very much - we will take care of your request as soon as possible and get back to you!

Complaint Form and Photo Guidelines

Your Expert Advice

Our horseshoes are a product „from farriers for farriers“. So it goes without saying that we will also assist you with your daily challenges by providing expert advice on the use of our products, as far as this is possible from a distance.

Shelly Frank is a state-approved and certified farrier and is part of our team in charge of the professional advice.

Our tip: Use our complaint form for these purposes as well and follow our photo guidelines. Informative photos and comprehensive information help us to advise you better!

Complaint Form and Photo Guidelines

Shelly Frank - professional advice about our alternative hoof protection
horse on the pasture

Help Others with Your Testimonial

Direct contact and exchange with our customers are very important to us.
Over the years, we have repeatedly noticed how valuable the feedback and testimonials from product users are. We would be very pleased if you would like to share your experience with us and also with our customers. Please use our prepared form for this purpose.

You think a picture is worth a thousand words?
We are also happy if you send us your special snapshots of your horse or your work - even if you don't want to write a big report about your experience. In order for us to share your photos with others on our website and social media channels, we require your declaration of consent. Simply fill out our photo/film form and send it to us.

So maybe you will see your horse or your farrier work online soon.
We are already looking forward to your photos and testimonials.

Personal Experiences Photo

Our Permanent Associates - Your Local Contact!

In the following countries we are cooperating closely with our permanent associates who handle the complete distribution. Please contact them directly for your Duplo orders; our colleagues are looking forward to you!

Werner und Beate - Marechalérie Reiss - Frankreich
Caro Lucas - Lucas Equine Services - Canada
Patrik und Linda - Brunner Hufbeschlag GmbH - Schweiz
Latest Update: 2024-09-04