Online Price List for Final Customers

How Much Does a Composite Horseshoe Cost?

Dear Customers,

We appreciate your interest in our products. With this price list, we aim to provide you with a brief overview of the cost of a composite horseshoe made in Germany. Our range includes various types of horseshoes, from pure plastic shoes and composites to the particularly stable Heavy Duty Shoes.

We invite you to explore our world of alternative hoof protection. We take pride in the fact that our horseshoes are "made in Germany", from concept to manufacturing. Our dedicated team is available to guide you through our range and answer any questions you may have.

For detailed application and safety instructions, please refer to the online product descriptions.

If you work as a farrier, hoof care specialist, veterinarian or operate as a reseller in the field of equestrian or farrier supplies, please contact us to benefit from our commercial terms.

Our tip: Take advantage of the online price advantage! If you use our online shop as a registered customer, you can benefit from an exclusive 2% online customer loyalty discount on the list prices provided within this price list.

We look forward to working together and are available personally for any further information you may need.

Your Duplo Team

Service & Conditions for Final Customers

Horseshoes in our Online Shop

Important Safety Information

Payment and Shipping

Contact Details

Quality Horseshoes Available in Various Hardness Degrees

Most of our horseshoes are available in both the standard version made of slightly softer plastic and the extra version made of slightly harder plastic. The hardness level of the horseshoe is usually identifiable by the color of the knob arrays. However, the Nailless and the Basic horseshoe do not have knob arrays. In case of the Nailless, you can determine the hardness level by the color of the small dots. A corresponding abbreviation (Std/Ex) is indicated on the Basic model.

Alternative Hoof Protection with Quarter Clips - our Bestseller

This horseshoe is available in Standard and Extra.
Some Extra horseshoes still come without debris guard. For further information, please contact our team or check the product image for your horseshoe size in our shop.

Round Shape

round shape of a clipped composite horseshoe for front hooves

Article-No. 130

front pattern of a composite horseshoe with quarter clips

Article-No. 420

Oval Shape

oval shape of a clipped composite horseshoe for hind hooves

Article-No. 131

hind pattern of a composite horseshoe with quarter clips

Article-No. 421

STS Shape

composite horseshoe with straight toe area and quarter clips

Article-No. 330

composite horseshoe with straight toe area and side clips

Article-No. 530

Price in Euro per Clipped Horseshoe

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces

Net / Gross
15.75 / 18.74
14.19 / 16.89



Shock Absorbing Un-Clipped Urethane Horseshoe With Metal Inlay

This horseshoe is available in Standard and Extra.
Some Extra horseshoes still come without debris guard. For further information, please contact our team or check the product image for your horseshoe size in our shop.

Round Shape

un-clipped hybrid horseshoe

Article-No. 100

hybrid horseshoe without quarter clips

Article-No. 410

Oval Shape

un-clipped composite horse shoe

Article-No. 101

un-clipped composite shoe

Article-No. 411

STS Shape

composite horseshoe without quarter clips

Article-No. 300

un-clipped composite horseshoe with straight toe area

Article-No. 500

Price in Euro per Horseshoe

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces

Net / Gross
12.55 / 14.93
11.15 / 13.27



The Nailless Horseshoe

Available in Standard and Extra.
Please remove all knobs before gluing. The Nailless should not be used as a purely nailed horseshoe, as the softer knobs do not prevent the horseshoe from twisting on the hoof.

Round Shape

un-clipped horseshoe for glued application

Article-No. N100

horseshoe without clips for glue-on application

Article-No. N410

Oval Shape

green Extra version of our glue-on horseshoe

Article-No. N101

un-clipped Extra horseshoe for glue-on application

Article-No. N411

Price in Euro per Horseshoe

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces

Net / Gross
12.55 / 14.93
11.15 / 13.27



Shock-Absorbing Clipped Horseshoe with Deeper Thread Pattern - Enhanced Grip for Your Horse

Available inStandard and Extra.
Some Extra horseshoes still come without debris guard. For further information, please contact our team or check the product image for your horseshoe size in our shop. There is no STS variant available for this model.

Round Shape

horseshoe with deeper thread pattern for front hooves

Article-No. 150

plastic horseshoe with metal inlay and enhanced grip

Article-No. 440

Oval Shape

horseshoe with deeper thread pattern for hind hooves

Article-No. 151

plastic horseshoe with metal inlay and deeper thread pattern

Article-No. 441

Price in Euro per Horseshoe

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces

Net / Gross
15.75 / 18.74
14.19 / 16.89



Economical Alternative Hoof Protection - The Clipped and Profiled 'Basic'.

The more affordable 'Basic' horseshoe is made from the same Standard and Extra granulate as the other shoes. The metal parts are not galvanized and this horseshoe comes without knob arrays. Please note that we do not grind the quarter clips of this model. To prevent injuries, the farrier must grind them on site before shoeing / gluing.

Round Shape

economincal clipped and profiled horseshoe

2150 (Std.)

economincal clipped horseshoe with deeper thread pattern

2440 (Ex.)

Oval Shape

cheaper composite horseshoe

2151 (Std.)

clipped horseshoe with deeper thread pattern, available at a lower price

2441 (Ex.)

Price in Euro per Horseshoe

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces

Net / Gross
13.60 / 16.18
12.15 / 14.46



Clipped Horseshoes Made From Recycled Granulate

An alternative hoof protection solution that simultaneously conserves our resources.
The regranulate shoes are part of our test range, currently available at test prices. Available made from Standard regranulate and Extra regranulate.

Round Shape

clipped horseshoe made from recycled plastic material

Article-No. R130

composite horseshoe for front hooves made from recycled urethane material

Article-No. R420

Oval Shape

clipped horseshoe made from regranulate material

Article-No. R131

composite horseshoe made from regranulate with quarter clips

Article-No. R421

STS Shape

straight toe shoe for front hooves made from recycled plastic material

Article-No. R330

straight toe shoe with quarter clips for front hooves made from recycled synthetic material

Article-No. R530

Price in Euro per Horsehoe

from 1 piece

Net / Gross
11.70 / 13.92

Horseshoe with Threaded Inserts for Anti-Skid Studs

Available in Standard and Extra.
Some extra shoes still come without debris guard. For any questions, please contact our team or check the product image for your shoe size in our shop.

This horseshoe with stud holes is not suitable for multiple stud changes. Safety instructions and details for use with anti-skid studs can be found in our online shop.

Round Shape

winter shoe for front hooves

Article-No. 140

winter horseshoe to use with studs

Article-No. 430

Oval Shape

winter shoe for hind hooves

Article-No. 141

oval shaped horseshoe with stud holes

Article-No. 431

STS Shape

clipped and threaded horseshoe to use with studs

Article-No. 340

clipped horseshoe with stud holes

Article-No. 540

Price in Euro per Horseshoe

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces

Net / Gross
18.50 / 22.02
16.80 / 19.99



You can find suitable studs and spikes for your horseshoe in the 'Anti-Skid-Protection' category of our online shop.

Snow Edition - Optimized Protection Against Snowballig, Clips and Stud Holes

As the model is intended for use only in winter, it is available only in the Standard version.
The model is designed for use with spikes and/or studs and should not be used without additional traction aids. The model is not suitable for multiple stud changes. Safety instructions and details for use with studs can be found with the products in our online shop. The Snow Edition is part of our test range and is therefore available at a particularly favorable test price.

Round Shape

Snow Edition for front hooves

Article-No. S140

Oval Shape

Snow Edition for hind hooves

Article-No. S141

Price in Euro per Horseshoe

from 1 piece

Net / Gross
14.60 / 17.37

You can find suitable studs and spikes for your horseshoe in the 'Anti-Skid-Protection' category of our online shop.

Shock-Absorbing Horseshoe for Demanding, Rocky Terrain with Steel Border Around the Toe - the 'Arizona'.

This special horseshoe is available in Standard and Extra.
Some Extra horseshoes still come without debris guard. For further information, please contact our team or check the product image for your horseshoe size in our shop.

In the area of the steel border, the plastic is better protected against premature tearing. Since the steel border is only superficially coated with plastic, it is usually visible after a few days. This is not to be regarded as wear and tear since it serves the basic function of the model. Please note that this increases the risk of injury in the herd. Due to the additional weight from the steel border, the Arizona can also be used as a toe weight horseshoe. We do not recommend using it as a glue-on shoe, as there is not enough material for the welding seam in the toe area.

Round Shape

composite horseshoe with protecting steel border around the toe

Article-No. 160

horseshoe for rocky terrain

Article-No. 450

Oval Shape

toe weight horseshoe

Article-No. 161

clipped toe weight horseshoe

Article-No. 451

Price in Euro per Horseshoe

from 1 piece

Net / Gross
19.75 / 23.50

Clipped Horseshoe with Closed Sole Area

Available in Standard and Extra.
This hoof protection is a good solution for protecting the sole area. It can be applied with with padding material. Some horseshoes still come with a grid sole. For any questions, please contact our team or check the product image for your shoe size in our shop.

Round Shape

Horseshoe with closed sole area for hind hooves

Article-No. 170

clipped horseshoe that can be used with padding material

Article-No. 460

Oval Shape

Verbundbeschlag mit geschlossenem Sohlenbereich

Article-No. 171

horseshoe for sensitive hooves with a closed sole area

Article-No. 461

STS Shape

horseshoe with closed sole area for flat, sensitive hooves

Article-No. 850

horseshoe for the application with padding material

Article-No. 950

Price in Euro per Horseshoe

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces

Net / Gross
16.75 / 19.93
15.14 / 18.02



Clipped Straight Bar Horse Shoe

Available in Standard and Extra.
Some Extra horse shoes still come without debris guard. For further information, please contact our team or check the product image for your horse shoe size in our shop.

Round Shape

straight bar horse shoe with synthetic coating

Article-No. 210

clipped straight bar shoe

Article-No. 600

Oval Shape

shock absorbing straight bar shoe

Article-No. 211

urethane hybrid straight bar horseshoe

Article-No. 601

STS Shape

straight Bar horsehoe for front hooves in a STS shape

Article-No. 360

special front pattern of a straight bar shoe

Article-No. 560

Price in Euro per Horseshoe

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces

Net / Gross
18.55 / 22.07
16.85 / 20.05



'Jumper' - Clipped and Threaded Straight Bar Shoe

Available in our Standard Version.
Please pay attention to the thread size indicated in the item description when ordering your studs and horseshoes. The model is designed for use with studs under extreme loads and is suitable for multiple stud changes due to its stable threaded inserts. Details on suitable studs and corresponding safety instructions can be found in the online product description.

Round Shape

composite horseshoe for show jumping

Article-No. 200

Oval Shape

hybrid urethane horseshoe for eventing

Article-No. 201

STS Shape

stable horseshoes that can be equipped with studs for hunting and show jumping

Article-No. 370

Price in Euro per Horseshoe

round / oval shape featuring four stable threaded inserts for studs

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces

Net / Gross
22.65 / 26.95
20.75 / 24.69



STS shape featuring two stable threaded inserts for studs

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces

Net / Gross
20.60 / 24.51
18.80 / 22.37



You can find suitable studs for your horseshoe in the 'Anti-Skid-Protection' category of our online shop.

Open-Toed Horseshoe with Grid Sole

The range of open-toe shoes includes three variants. Open-toe shoes are often used as therapeutic shoes for various diagnosis; colloquially, they are often referred to as laminitis horseshoes. However, they can also be used for riding at your discretion. Any therapeutic use requires appropriate expertise. Details on the application of open-toed horseshoe and additional information on the use of studs can be found in our online shop.

Round Shape

open-toed composite horseshoe

Version 1
Article-No. 730

Round Shape

clipped laminitis horseshoe

Version 2
Article-No. 740

Round Shape

open-toed laminitis horseshoe with clips and stud holes for anti-slide protection

Version 3
Article-No. 750

Price in Euro per Open-Toed Horseshoe

Version 1 - Without Additional Features

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces

Net / Gross
15.35 / 18.27
13.81 / 16.43



Version 2 - Clipped

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces

Net / Gross
18.55 / 22.07
16.85 / 20.05



Version 3 - Clipped and Threaded

Please pay attention to the thread size corresponding to your horseshoe size. Details can be found in the shop. Traction enhancing devices can be found in our category 'Anti-Skid Protection'.

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces

Net / Gross
20.60 / 24.51
18.80 / 22.37



Urethane Horseshoes with Open Sole Area – Classic with Deeper Tread Pattern

The Classic was originally designed for renewing the profile of hoof boots but can also be used as a glue-on shoe. It is only available in the Extra version. Please note the additional instructions in the product description in the shop.

Round Shape

Urethane Horseshoe

Article-No. 490

Oval Shape

oval shaped plastic horseshoe with integrated frog support

Article-No. 491

Price in Euro per Plastic Horseshoe

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces

Net / Gross
10.05 / 11.96
8.78 / 10.45



Urethane Shoes with Closed Sole Area - Classic and the New Base Plate

The Classic with a closed sole is gradually being replaced by the Base Plate. The Base Plate, without nailing slots, is a glue-on shoe designed to be as close to barefoot as possible. Please note the additional instructions in the product description in the shop.

Round Shape

Plastic shoe for horses

Article-No. G490

Oval Shape

plastic horseshoe with closed sole area

Article-No. G491

Price in Euro per Plastic Horseshoe

Please note that, depending on the size, you may receive a version with a grid sole.

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces

Net / Gross
11.05 / 13.15
9.73 / 11.58



Pony Horseshoes

We are happy that we are able to offer a plastic shoe for the smallest hooves. The glue-on pony shoe is available in a Standard and Extra version. The pony sizes specially designed for small hooves have a closed sole and come without knobs and nail holes. There are two price groups: PG1 from size 50mm to 74mm and PG2 from 78mm on. Please note the additional instructions in the product description in the shop.

Round Shape

Horseshoe for Ponys

Article-No. G190

Plastic Shoe for Ponys

Article-No. G490

Oval Shape

horseshoe with closed sole area for ponys

Article-No. G191

plastic horseshoe with closed sole area for ponys

Article-No. G491

Price in Euro per Plastic Horseshoe

PG 1
1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces
PG 2
1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces

Net / Gross

6.70 / 7.97
5.30 / 6.31

8.35 / 9.94
6.89 / 8.20




Heavy Duty Horse Shoe - Very Stable and Abrasion-Resistant

The HDS models (except for the Traction) are available in both the Standard and the Extra version. From size 182mm, the interval between two sizes is 8mm.

Version 1 - HDS Clipped with Deeper Thread Pattern

Round Shape

shock-absorbing shoe for draft horses

Article-No. 1150

horseshoe for draft horses

Article-No. 1440

Oval Shape

horseshoe for carriage horses

Article-No. 1151

particularly solid horseshoe with quarter clips and deeper thread pattern

Article-No. 1441

Price in Euro per Horseshoe


Net / Gross
16.15 / 19.22
17.75 / 20.76
22.45 / 26.71

Version 2 - HDS Clipped and Threaded with Deeper Thread Pattern

Round Shape

horseshoe with stud holes for carriage horses

Article-No. 1140

horseshoe with stud holes for draft horses

Article-No. 1430

Oval Shape

clipped horseshoe with stud holes for working horses

Article-No. 1141

clipped horseshoe with stud holes for working horses and big hooves

Article-No. 1431

Price in Euro per Horseshoe


Net / Gross
18.90 / 22.49
20.50 / 24.39
25.20 / 29.99

Version 3 - "Traction" Clipped and Threaded Straight Bar Shoe

Round Shape

Shock-absorbing shoe with quarter clips and stable stud holes for draft horses

Article-No. 1200

Oval Shape

Shock-absorbing shoe for logging horses

Article-No. 1201

Price in Euro per Horseshoe


Net / Gross
23.05 / 27.43
27.35 / 32.55
33.35 / 39.69

Wolf Busch® Glue-on Tabs

Select the size of the tabs based on the horseshoe size. You will need one pair per hoof. For item numbers, application, and safety instructions, please visit our online shop.

Horseshoe Size 50-70mm - Tab Size 1 (3D Printing)
Horseshoe Size 70-90mm - Tab Size 2 (3D Printing)
Horseshoe Size 90-114mm - Tab Size 3
Horseshoe Size 114-134mm - Tab Size 4
Horseshoe Size 134-162mm - Tab Size 5
Horseshoe Size 162-198mm - Tab Size 6


glue-on tabs for plastic horseshoes

no color added/green/blue/pink/light/dark


glue-on tabs for glued horseshoes

light green

Price in Euro per Pair of Glue-on Tabs

Size 1-5
1-19 pairs
from 20 pairs
Size 6
1-19 pairs
from 20 pairs

Net / Gross

10.82 / 12.88
9.50 / 11.31

12.55 / 14.94
11.02 / 13.11




In the 'Nailless Shoeing' category in our online shop, you will find, among other things, suitable instant adhesives, grinding blocks, and a hoof cleaner.

Adhesive Collars Pro and Easy - For Your Adhesive Horseshoe


Easy glue-on collar for adhesive horseshoes



adhesive collar for glue-on horseshoes

000110S (Extra)
000120S (Standard)

Price Glue-on Collar Easy in Euro per Piece

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces on

Net / Gross
4.19 / 4.99
3.76 / 4.47



Price Glue-on Collar Pro in Euro per Piece

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces

Net / Gross
5.35 / 6.37
4.85 / 5.77



In the 'Nailless Shoeing' category on our online shop, you will find everything you need for successful glued hoof protection. Our team is happy to assist you.

Welding Devices

For stable welds between the baseplate and adhesive product. Additional information regarding usage and the scope of delivery can be found in the online product description.


welding device to create glue-on horseshoe

Article-No. 000100V

Standard im Hufbock

welding device inside a hoof stand


Mini welding device

Article-No. 000110V

Price in Euro per Welding Device


Net / Gross
223.59 / 266.07
129.50 / 154.11

We recommend the Steinel HL 1920 E hot-air gun. Unfortunately, we cannot ship it outside of Germany. The reducing nozzle suitable for this model is already included in the delivery of the welding devices.

Plastic Wegde - Adjust the Hoof Angle

The use of wedges requires expert knowledge. Please refer to the detailed instructions and information in our online product description.

Round Shape

wedge plate for front hooves

Article-No. 080/H80

Oval Shape

horseshoe wedge for hind hooves

Article-No. 081/H81

STS Shape

Wedge plate for horseshoes with a slightly straight toe area

Article-No. 1010

Price in Euro per Wedge

up to size 166mm

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces

Net / Gross
5.43 / 6.46
4.87 / 5.80



from size 170mm

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces

Net / Gross
5.98 / 7.12
5.42 / 6.45



Hoof Sole Protector for Composite and Urethane Horseshoes

If you want to modify an open sole area to a closed one, we now have a precise solution available: the Hoof Sole Protector, or HSP for short. Detailed instructions and additional information can be found with the product. Since the sole protection is part of our innovation test range, it is currently available at discounted test prices.

Hoof Sole Protector

Hoof Sole Protector

Article No. 090/091


Protector for Hoof Soles

Price in Euro per Piece

from 1 piece

Net / Gross
2.39 / 2.84

Plastic plates - Close an Open Sole Area

Our plastic plates are available in two variants, allowing you to completely close the sole area or cover it with a grid.
Dimensions: 147mm x 147mm x 3mm

Synthetic Grid Plate

synthetic grid plate for horseshoes

Article No. 000310

Synthethic Plate

synthetic plate for horseshoes

Article-No. 000311

Price in Euro per Piece

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces

Net / Gross
5.43 / 6.46
4.87 / 5.80




Extensions - Mix
380mm x 120mm x 15mm

Extensions for plastic horseshoes

Article No. 000300

Extensions - Wedges
380mm x 120mm x 15mm

Extensions wedges for composite horseshoes

Article No. 000301

Extensions - Stripes Size S and M
380mm x 120mm x 6mm/8mm

Extensions stripes for plastic horseshoes

Article No. 000302

Extensions - Stripes Size L
380mm x 120mm x 15mm

Extensions stripes big for composite horseshoes

Article No. 000303

HDS Extensions
380mm x 140mm x 15mm

Extensions for heavy duty shoes

Article No. 000321

HDS Extensions Plate
380mm x 60mm x 21mm

Extensions plate for horseshoes

Article No. 000321P

Price of Extensions in EUR per piece

Extensions - for Regular Horseshoes and Heavy Duty Shoes

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces

Net / Gross
11.90 / 14.16
11.15 / 13.27



HDS Extensions Plate

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces on

Net / Gross
13.50 / 16.07
12.75 / 15.17



Hoof Cast / Cast Horseshoe

Apply a horseshow with cast hooks and cast bandage. Please refer to the additional information in the online description.

Cast Hooks without Screws

cast hooks and screws

Article No. 000200

Cast Hooks without Screws

cast hooks for a nailless application of a horseshoe

Article No. 000201


cast hooks on a composite horseshoe

Price of Cast Hooks for a Cast Shoe in Euro per piece

With Screws

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces

Net / Gross
9.29 / 11.06
8.35 / 9.94



Without Screws

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces

Net / Gross
8.99 / 10.70
8.05 / 9.58



You can find cast bandages in the 'Nailless Shoeing' category.

Color Stripes


colored stripes for the decoration of urethane horseshoes

Article No.
pink 000000
orange 000001
yellow 000002
green 000003


orange colored stripe on composite horseshoe

Price in Euro per Colored Stripe

1-19 pieces
from 20 pieces

Net / Gross
0.97 / 1.15
0.87 / 1.04



Protective Insoles (PIns) For Steel Shoes

The KC model was designed to fit Kerckhaert Comfort shoes. With the Universal hoof pad, you can choose between an open sole section and a grid sole. The grid sole is ideal for use with padding material. They are part of our test range, and the pins are currently available at discounted test prices.

Model KC

plastic insole for steel horseshoes

Size 0: KC0000
Size 1: KC0001


Kerckhaert Comfort horseshoe with protective insole


Protective Insole Universal

Article No. POS00

Alternative hoof protection for horses with horseshoes

Article No. POE00

Universal with Integrated Grid Sole

Closed Protective Insole Universal

Article No. PGS00

Closed protective insole for horseshoes

Article No. PGE00

Price in Euro per Protective Insole

from 1 piece

Net / Gross
3.99 / 4.75

The Fine Print - Details About Your Online Price and Opportunities to Save Money

In our shop, you can not only buy our horse shoes, but you will also naturally find the matching accessories as well as (almost) everything you need in terms of farrier tools for nailing, gluing, or casting the shoe.

If not stated otherwise, the prices provided in this price list are unit prices.
The gross prices include 19% VAT. Due to EU regulations, the gross price may vary depending on the destination country.

Save on Your Purchases

For most of our hoof protection products, we offer attractive bulk prices, where you can benefit from a discount once you reach a specific quantity per item number. The indicated savings of the discounted bulk price always apply to the net price. Another way to save money is our online price advantage for registered customers. Take advantage of the 2% discount for all registered users of our online shop.

At this point, we would also like to remind you of our business conditions for, among others, farriers, hoof care specialists, veterinarians, equine physiotherapists, and, of course, dealers in the field of equine accessories and farrier supplies.

In case of price discrepancies between this online price list and the price in the online shop, the information in the shop always takes precedence.

We look forward to collaborating with you and are available for further information regarding our horseshoes.

Subject to changes and errors.
Latest Update: 2025-02-10