Duplo Clipped (Extra Regranulate / oval / 122mm)

Item No.: R421122

Manufacturer/Brand: Duplo

13,92 EUR
incl. 19 % VAT

  • Material: Extra Regranulate

  • Shape: oval

  • Size: 122mm / 4.80 inch


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product description

Saving Resources Thanks to the Use of Recycled Granulate (Regranulate)

Many products made of plastics have become an indispensable part of our everyday lives - some are recyclable, others not. As a local manufacturing company in the plastics sector, we are very aware of our responsibility for our environment.

We also frequently receive inquiries regarding the recycling and reuse of our urethane horseshoes.

Of course, we would like to recycle the used horseshoes to improve the product cycle; however, this involves immense effort. The urethane horseshoes would have to be cleaned so that no dirty residues remain. This makes reprocessing unprofitable not only from an economic point of view, but also for the environment, as cleaning would consume a lot of energy.

So Where Can We Start as a Company?
The Answer is Easy: Just Like Every Individual at Home - Everywhere!

In our opinion, it is not always just the big measures that count, for example generating our own electricity via a photovoltaic system on the roof of the production facility, but also the many small small things in everyday life. Because like with so many things in life, it's the little things that count.

As filling material for our packages we use various recycled materials - from old newspapers to cardboard cushioning material, which we produce with a specially purchased cardboard shredder. In addition, we have also made corresponding investments in order to switch to purely electronic data archive.

In addition to these measures, we started some time ago to have the sprues produced during production regranulated and to use them as recycling material for various accessory products.

Customer order with composite horseshoes, grinding wheels, horseshoe nails, superglue and filling material from old newspapers.
urethane horseshoe made of regranulate with black knob arrays

In May 2021, we also launched our first composite horseshoe made from recycled granules to the market via our Innovations test range. We wanted to find out to what extent this recycled material (regranulate) is also suitable for a urethane horseshoe.

As it is often the case with a good idea, it is usually the details in the execution that matter. So we have also been able to gather quite a bit of experience in terms of recycled material - not least thanks to feedback from our customers. We will of course incorporate these experiences and new findings into future production processes.

Our aim is to be able to offer you an attractive-priced and resource-saving horseshoe made of recycled material (regranulate), which compares well with the regular composite horseshoes in terms of abrasion.

Horseshoes and Accessories Made of Regranulate - Photos

polyurethane granulate in hands

The central building block for our hoof protection is the polyurethane granulate. It determines shock absorption, durability and sliding behavior.

Cutting off the sprue of urethane horseshoes

During production, the so-called sprues are pinched off by hand and then collected by type.

several sprues of urethane horseshoes

The sprues are collected by type during production and then used for regranulation.

urethane horseshoes with metal core and various accessories made of regranulate

Various accessories, such as our extensions or our wedges for adjusting the hoof angle, are already made from the resource-saving regranulate.

regranulate urethane horseshoes with metal core in a round, oval and straight toe shape

The horseshoes made from the so-called recycling granulate are not yet available in all sizes of our composite horseshoes, but they are available in all three shapes: round, oval and STS.

urethane horseshoes made of regranulate with quarter clips and blue or yellow knob arrays

The color of the knobs on the regranulate models also indicates the hardness of the urethane. The horseshoes with blue and black knobs are made of standard regranulate, the yellow and the pink ones from extra regranulate.

Application and Safety Instructions - Video

The treatment of the models made of recycled material is the same as that of our regular horseshoes. No matter which urethane horseshoe model you use: You will need the necessary knowledge and skills to take care of the horse's hoof and to properly shoe a horse. For all work with our products, please observe our Safety Advices. These are not only aimed at the farrier, but also at the horse owner and rider, as it is their responsibility to monitor the correct fit of the shoes and quarter clips during the shoeing period.

Alternative Hoof Protection Explained Step by Step

In our video, Stephan Becker explains the correct application of the urethane horseshoes with metal core (composite horseshoes). Of course, this also applies also to our models made of recycled urethane material (regranulate).

Thanks to the horseshoe's plastic sheath, minor adjustments to the horse's hoof can be easily done. However, with a bit of craftsmanship and practice, more complex modifications such as a toe rocker, a narrower or wider fitting or diagonal shaping similar to a metal horseshoe are possible.

Video: Shoeing Instruction

Shoeing Instruction

Possible Disadvantages of Recycled Urethane Material

We have received information from some users that the regranulate "smears" a little more during grinding than they are used to from our urethane horseshoes.

We are in close contact with our partner in order to optimize the recycling process and thus the resulting regranulate in the best possible way. For now, we can only share our experience: We have the impression that when grinding the horseshoes made of recycled material, it is easier to do so with much less pressure.

alternative hoof protection from regranulate at the belt grinder
glue-on horseshoe made of urethane regranulate and Wolf Busch® glue-on tabs

The Use of Regranulate Horseshoes as Adhesive Hoof Protection

The slight smearing during grinding is related to the minimal difference in the melting point of the regranulate. This also matters when it comes to using the horseshoe made of recycled urethane material as an adhesive hoof protection.

Please note that you may need to adjust the winding speed, the pressure used and possibly also the temperature of the hot air gun to obtain a stable welding seam. In any case, always remember the final tear test to verify the durability of the welded seam before gluing.

Additional Anti-Slip Equipment for Regranulate Horseshoes

Just like our regular composite horseshoes, the models made of recycled material can be equipped with spikes.

The small spikes are comparable to the carbide pins in a metal horseshoe. You can buy the spikes and the necessary adapter in our online shop.

Please always make sure - whether with or without additional anti-slip protection - to adapt your speed to the ground conditions in order to avoid accidents. On wet grassland, muddy or leaf-covered paths, or on ice and snow in particular, you must always expect that it can become slippery.

Spike and the necessary application tool for additional grip of your urethane horseshoe

Product Features

Modell Clipped Horseshoe made of Regranulate
Additional Title Regranulate Horseshoe
Brand Duplo
Product Range Innovations product at a favourable test-price
Article Number without profile: R130, R131, R420, R421
with increased profile: R150, R151, R440, R441
Function alternative hoof protection, shock absorption, stimulation of the hoof mechanism, recycling, saving resources, regranulate
Riding Styles and Disciplines among others: leisure riding and orienteering, endurance, western riding, dressage, driving, show jumping, eventing, gaited horse riding, baroque riding, ground work, cross-country riding, working equitation
Admission for Tournaments Our composite horseshoes are approved for various tournaments; for more information please contact the respective association (f.ex.. FEIF, FN, FISE, IMGA, OEPS, SVPS).
Therapy Shoe / Rehab The model is also suitable for supportive use in the orthopedic and therapeutic field; we expressly point out that our products do not diagnose or cure any diseases and advise for any use with a therapeutic or orthopedic background to work closely with the hoof specialist or veterinarian on site.
Horse Breeds a.o. Warmblood, Thoroughbred, Quarter Horse, Paint Horse, Haflinger, Icelandic, Arabian, Friesian, Andalusian, Hanoverian
Shoeing nailed horseshoe, glued horseshoe or cast horseshoe
Shoeing Instruction can be found unter FAQ → Instructions
Safety Advices can be found unter FAQ → Safety Information
Made in Germany
Available Shapes round, oval, STS
Availables Sizes 114mm, 118mm, 122mm, 126mm, 130mm, 134mm, 138mm, 142mm, 146mm
Size Interval in 4mm steps
Sizing Based on the shape of the hoof and the widest part of the hoof (after appropriate hoof treatment) or, in a pinch, also based on the horseshoe size that has fit so far; in the section FAQ → Sizes and Shapes, you will find a free template for our composite horseshoes.
Hardness Degrees Standard / Extra
Season all year round
Temperature during the cold season we recommend the horseshoes made of Standard regranulate; at higher temperatures those of Extra regranulate
Weight depending on the size from 230g up to 430g
Length depending on the size - for details please visit FAQ → Sizes and Shapes
Width the respective size in mm
Thickness 15mm
Knob Array The knobs are impressed into the weight-bearing surface of the hoof wall and help the horseshoe keep its position on the hoof.
Solid Metal Inlay The metal core contributes to the durability of the shoe and helps to avoid unwanted pressure on the hoof.
Urethane (Synthetic) Cover The soft urethane cover has a shock-absorbing effect.
Bar made of Urethane Material Can improve the blood circulation of the hoof.
Debris Guard The molded synthetic lip acts like a debris guard- similar to a snowgrip®- reduces the amount of snow and debris balling up.
Quarter Clips The quarter clips facilitate the nailing process and help avoiding twists and displacements of the horseshoe during the regular shoeing period; in case of the STS models, the clips are placed a little bit further towards the heels compared to the other shoes.
Thread Inserts for Studs without thread inserts
Profile Depending on the model, with or without reinforced profile for better grip off-road.
Anti-Slide Protection For additional anti-slide protection you may use spikes; when riding, you always have to adapt the speed appropriately to the ground and ride with reduced speed on slippery ground.
Open Sole The open sole design offers breathability to the hoof sole and the frog.
Breakover Breakover (toe rocker) easily applied to the shoe by bending or grinding.
Risk of Injuries in Herds minimized risk of injuries in herd situations and in case of irregular movements in comparison to a metal horseshoe or the sharp-edged border of a bare hoof - please also read our safety information; the quarter clips must be monitored regularly
Hoof Mechanism The flexible synthetic material encourages the mobility of the elastic hoof structures.
Adjustment to the Hoof with an angle grinder, belt grinder, nippers or toeing knife
(at your own discretion)
more or less wide, extend, convert into a model with closed sole area
Accessories among others extensions, urethane grid plate, urethane plate, wedges, colored strips, glue-on tabs
Packaging Unit in pieces
Exchange and Return Possible under certain preconditions within 3 months within the EU.
For returns from outside the EU please contact our Customer Service Team. .
For further details please look at the section FAQ → Service & Conditions.
Shipment worldwide; deliveries to France, Switzerland and Canada are carried out by our our country representatives

The Schmutzer Farm

When we talk about natural resources and our home region, we would like to take the opportunity to introduce to you at this point the Schmutzer farm in Kronwinkel. A project that breaks new ground just as Hubert Frank did years ago with the development of our composite horseshoes.

A man with a vision, the support of family and friends, and a helping hand....

Looking back, this also briefly sums up the beginnings of our composite horseshoe more than 20 years ago. Now it is time to lend a helping hand to such a visionary as well; we are pleased to have found friends in Helmut Schmutzer and his wife Bettina who remind us of our own beginnings. They have a vision and - like us back then - want to go their own, different ways.

Our path led us to a high-tech product, a composite shoeing made of iron and plastic - a product that was able to realize our vision of horse welfare to some extent, even though it is not ideal for the environment due to the material used (like so many other indispensable products of everyday life).

the Schmutzer farm in Kronwinkel from above
the team of the Schmutzer farm in Kronwinkel

We are aware of this and are therefore conducting intensive research into the use of alternative options such as regranulate.

However, since this will still be a long way off, we are all the more delighted that we can now give something back to nature right here in our home country by supporting the project of Helmut and Bettina. The two see organic farming as a holistic approach. They contribute to better grassland quality and thus to the preservation of biodiversity due to well thought-out grazing and new mowing techniques.


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Manufacturer in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2023/988 on General Product Safety (GPSR)

Name: H. Frank Kunststofftechnik GmbH
Electronic Address: info@duplo-frank.de
Physical Address: Vorderfreundorfer Straße 20
ZIP Code: DE-94143
City: Grainet
Country: Deutschland
Phone: +49 (0)8585/96926-0

Responsible Person in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2023/988 on General Product Safety (GPSR)

Name: H. Frank Kunststofftechnik GmbH
Electronic Address: info@duplo-frank.de
Physical Address: Vorderfreundorfer Straße 20
ZIP Code: DE-94143
City: Grainet
Country: Deutschland
Phone: +49 (0)8585/96926-0